Saturday, July 4, 2009

New Age Rules for Critical Care

Dateline: Sometime in 2015

The Central Health Care Planning Administration (CHCPA) announced new sweeping age restrictions for some of the most critical of health care provided by the US government's socialist health care system today. The new restrictions will make things like cancer tests and MRIs unavailable to many of the senior citizens in the United States starting in September.

"These restrictions are necessary for the health of our population," an unnamed official advised. "If we don't limit what the older people have available to them more of them will just continue to live and drain the limited resources available in our health care system."

To have it so bluntly stated comes as a chilling blow to the older Democrats that voted for Obama and have fought to have his policies put in to place. One 82-year-old lady in Washington, DC, was quoted as saying "I helped put him there, but now I can't do anything to get rid of him."

In related news the CHCPA announced new limits on the number of children a marital unit will be authorized to have and house. The Federal Police Department is struggling to come up with ways to enforce the new rules as we move smartly in to the new and bright future the socialist Obama administration has planned for the United States.

Staff Writer
Possible Stories from the Future